Economics – An Introduction

Samacheer Book Back Questions And Answers For Economy Standard 6 Term 2 “Economics – An Introduction”

I. Fill in the blanks:
1. The producers of food grains are ______
2. Collection of honey is a _____ occupation.
3. The conversion of raw materials into finished goods is called ______
4. According to Gandhiji the villages are ______ of the nation.
5. The percentage of population in the cities of Tamil Nadu is ______

1. Farmers
2. Primary
3. Manufacturing
4. Backbone
5. 47 Percent

II. Match the following:
1. Cattle rearing – Secondary occupation
2. Food processing – Services
3. Iron & Steel Industry – Primary occupation
4. Telephone – Agro based industry
5. Cotton Industry – Tertiary occupation

1. Cattle rearing – Primary occupation
2. Food processing – Agro based industry
3. Iron & Steel Industry – Secondary occupation
4. Telephone – Services (or) Tertiary occupation
5. Cotton Industry – Agro based industry (or) Secondary occupation

III. Match and find the odd pair:
1. Small scale Industry – Transaction of Money
2. Forest based Industries – Information Technology
3. Services – Paper Industries
4. Banking – Cattle rearing

1. Small scale Industry – Cattle rearing
2. Forest based Industries – Paper Industries
3. Services – Information Technology
4. Banking – Transaction of Money


IV. Choose the correct answer:
1. Agriculture is a (Primary / Secondary) occupation
2. Economic activities are divided on the basis of (ownership / use)
3. Sugar Industries are (Primary / Secondary) activity
4. Agro based industry (Cotton / Furniture)
5. Dairy farming is a (Public sector / Co-operative sector)

1. Primary
2. Use
3. Secondary
4. Cotton
5. Co-operative sector


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